By visiting this website '' or purchasing the product from
'' you are accepting the terms & conditions of the company.
Important Note: If you (USER/BUYER/PURCHASER/VISITOR) are not
agreeing or accepting
'' company terms & conditions please do not use this website
and leave this website and also do not purchase any product or offer from this
The “Database” purchaser/buyer from '' is called as “USER”.
Databases as an service / product was verified from our end using our own random
verification and validation method and techniques. Please ensure to judge the
quality before any purchase.
The databases are valid at the time of validation done by us or even Third parties
and we never give any guarantee to “USERS” for accuracies for them.
Databases may be not valid or not live or inactive in near future.
'' never give any guarantee for whether the databases provided
by '' will be valid or active for some period of time.
After purchasing the database(s) from '' “USER” has to use
the database(s) only for their product promotion and USER should not use for
spamming or other illegal purpose.
If USER doing any illegal activity or spamming then any third party has rights to
take action against USER.
'' never answerable, liable, questionable for accuracy of the
'' is a Lead Generation Services, hereby, the information
(data) is gathered from publicly available 1st Party or 2nd Party.